X wing game scum and villiany
X wing game scum and villiany

x wing game scum and villiany

Turn 7: Running low on energy and unable to fully recharge its shield, the cruiser risks smashing through an asteroid to get back on course toward the board edge. The other Tie fighters stay close to aft, but fail to get through it shields this turn. The moth bounces away, but attempts to swoop over to the cruisers starboard side and again ends up scrapping along the ships side! The Tie interceptor (piloted by sontir fel) shoots forward, executing a koiogran turn and blasting the cruisers starboard shields. Turn 6: The cruiser is feeling the pressure now, and the captain swears as he hauls his ship round yet again to avoid pulverising ‘the moth’ that is supposed to be escorting him. Their concentrated fire quickly knocking the cruisers shields down again and damages its hull, causing a reactor leak. The Tie fighters all cluster in around the cruisers aft, getting in under its turrets range though risking a collision. Turn 5: The cruiser swerves again to avoid its own escort (which by this point had earned the nickname ‘The Moth’), but the new pilot once more misjudges their maneuver and only just manages to swerve their craft out of the way of the oncoming behemoth, its shields overloading as it grazes the cruisers hull. The cruisers powerful cannon lines up a shot on the Tie interceptor, but 6 damage dice manage only to knock off 1 shield token. Contraband is sucked from the breach and spins into the void. The escort enthusiastically tries out a koiogran turn which leaves it straight back in the path of the cruiser! One Tie loops round to the cruiser’s aft whilst the rest strafe the port side, knocking down its shields and inflicting some hull damage. Turn 4: The cruiser captain spots their new escort pilot making a dangerous sweep in front of them, and has to slam the ship to port to avoid them. The remaining scum fighter together with the cruisers turrets unleash a salvo which sends a Tie interceptor spinning off into oblivion. One interceptor easily destroys the a scum fighter at point blank range, whilst the other weakens the cruisers shields. Turn 3: The cruiser keeps straight ahead whilst its escorts peel off to deal with the Tie interceptors. The Imperial patrols appear on the cruisers port side, the interceptors slightly fore and the rest aft.

x wing game scum and villiany

Turn 2: The smugglers trajectory and speed remain unchanged, steadily working their way through the asteroid field and to clear space beyond. Neither Imperial strike force makes it onto the board. Turn 1: The Cruiser ponderously advances* and its escorts match speed and keep formation. As they have a tricky approach through the asteroid field, the exact time and location of their entry onto the board is randomised. One consists of 2 Tie fighters and 1 Tie advanced.

x wing game scum and villiany

The empire has been notified of their illicit activities and are sending in two strike forces to intercept and destroy the smugglers. They are trying to get the cruiser off the far board edge and out of the asteroid field so they can make the jump to hyperspace. Setup: For this game of X-Wing the scum and villainy faction have a C-Roc cruiser and 2 M3-A interceptors.

X wing game scum and villiany